About a month ago I started to play with QT. I just wanted to quickly pick some random subject and begin instead of waiting for a big idea and doing nothing.
The main idea is a GUI for dict. Edit field, output layout, nothing fancy, trying to be as minimalistic as possible.
- Html (formatted) layout of dict for better readablility
- The entry field is a combobox which stores the previous entries
- Parsing the gcide hits for lists, notes and links.
- Unit tests for some core functions
source: qdict_r15.tar.bz2
Compile & run
qmake qdict.pro
- Forward/backward buttons if following links
- Support for more database
- TCP connection with the server instead of parsing the output of dict
- Configuration dialog
- Text autocompletetition
- Bigger test coverage
Bash history
I took a look around recently how to make life with bash easier and the help of the history is definitely a key issue.
# enable bash history set -o history # bash history file length export HISTFILESIZE=10000 # multi-line commands are stored in the history shopt -s cmdhist # no duplicates and empty lines export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth # do not store lines: export HISTIGNORE="&:ls:[bf]g:exit" # append the history to the histfile instead of overwriting it. shopt -s histappend # update & re-read histfile after every cmd so terminals will share export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -n; history -a"
Useful keys
ctrl + r
: search in history backward
Page up/down
: complete command due to history.
For page up/down part, you need to have the following lines in /etc/inputrc
"\e[5~": history-search-backward "\e[6~": history-search-forward
Searching for Commands in the History
Keeping bash history in sync on disk and between multiple terminals
My thesis:
It was about a program I wrote, a maemo statusban plugin, the documentetion and the process I took. That time I thought that GTK is going down and I my knowledge in it is going to be obsolete soon. But I doubted that at the and of the Uni even with 1-2 years of working experience in the field, one can make some significant research with usable output. So I wrote a small applet and used all my knowledge and help of my friends and ex-colleges I gained.
I got ~1.600 downloads, well, I think it was a success. Other than me and my consultant, I don't thing anyone has ever read my thesis...
link: maemo page
Statusbar plugin for easy drag & drop data sending via Bluetooth, just drag data to the icon.
The following applications are supported yet:
- osso-notes
- osso-filemanager
- dates compiled with dnd
- osso-addressbook.
- patch modest to dnd support
- make pand work.
Ok, here it comes.
This is just another techblog, mainly for fooling around and posting programming related stuff in order to create a “code portfolio”. But who knows, maybe I'll find this "public jotter" beneficial one day.
So I'm going to post my coding projects and some findings in C, C++, linux, gentoo, QT and KDE.